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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Tuscarora Clothing Tuscarora men wore breech cloths with leggings.Tuscarora women wore wraparound skirts with shorter leggings. Tuscarora women also often wore a long tunic called an overdress. Tuscarora Transportation Tuscarora Indians carved heavy dugout canoes from cypress logs for river travel.Overland the Tuscaroras usually just walked.There were no horses in North America until Europeans brought them over, so the Tuscaroras used pack dogs to help them carry heavy loads. Tuscarora Food The Tuscarora Indians were farming people. Tuscarora women planted crops of corn, beans, and squash and harvested wild berries and herbs.Tuscarora men hunted deer and rabbits and fished in the rivers. Tuscarora Weapens Nearly every Native American tribe used some form of bow and arrow as a weapon for hunting, war, or both. Some tribes, particularly in South America, even used bows and arrows for fishing. Bows and arrows have been used in the Americas since the Stone Age,so different tribes had plenty of time to perfect this weapon technology. Tuscarora Cornhusk Dolls Many Tuscarora children like to go hunting and fishing with their fathers. But they also had cornhusk, toys,games such as one game where kids tried to throw a dart through a moving hoop. Lacrosse was a popular sport among Tuscarora boys as it was among adult men. Like many Native Americans, Tuscarora mothers traditionally carried their babies in cradle board carriers on their backs. Tuscarora Houses The Tuscarora people lived in villages of longhouses, which were large wood-frame buildings covered with sheets of elm bark.Tuscarora longhouses were up to a hundred feet long, and each one one held 60 people or 20 family`s. Tuscarora Arts & Crafts Beadwork, basketry and wood-carving are the most common Tuscarora crafts. The Tuscaroras also crafted wampum out of white and purple shell beads. Wampum beads were traded as a kind of currency, but they were more culturally important as an art material. The designs and pictures on wampum belts often told a story or represented a person's family. Facts Tuscarora Tuscarora Myths and Legends Sky Woman is the Iroquois mother goddess, who descended to earth by falling through a hole in the sky. She was a celestial being who was cast out of the heavens either for violating a taboo or through her jealous husband's treachery; waterbirds carried her down to the sea and set her on the back of a turtle, which became her home (Turtle Island.)
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