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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Industrial Revolution's Return On Rubber FULL Industrial Revolution -1750's to 1820's Causes of the Industrial Revolution-1. Natural Resources - British had an abundant amount of iron ore and coal.2. Change in the Production - Farming became an old way of producing food, so workers left the farm and went to the cities to find work in factories.3. Inventions - Machines were the improved form of cotton spinners and weavers by having improved production rate. Statistic: During the Industrial Revolution, the population in England increased from 5,000 to 15,000, starting from 1700 to 1820's. Imperialism and Rubber New Imperialism of Africa started in the late 19th century with economic, political, and social motives. The European nations began to target Africafor its abundant raw materials and finding new markets. The nations also had a hope to gain power by expanding their empire throughout Africa.Another motive that drew Europe to imperialize Africa was the belief that they were superior than the African nations scientifically and logically.The movement of European nations being eager to control the lands of Africa was called the Scramble for Africa, after King Leopold claimed his control over Belgium Congo in 1879. His control over Belgium Congo was successful because the production of rubber impacted Belgium Congoand European nations. The rubber turned out to be helpful in technological advancements, like cars, bicycles, buses, and other vehicles thatinvolves rubber. King Leopold became wealthy by the increasing rate of rubber sales by having elegant structures and buildings. However, the production of rubber was so painful for the Africans working for the Europeans. They almost had to sacrifice their lives just to create one rubber. They scraped off their skin for the sap to harden into rubber, and had their starvation as hostage by the Europeans so they won'tquit their job. But, the rubber is still a significant product for the whole world to use because it lead to the reality now. Population Growth in Britain 1695 1841 5.5 million 15.9 million The process of urbanization and having more employeesworking in factories has helped increase the population in cities.
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