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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Online Education in K-12 This infographic shares the experiences and recommendations of Distance Ed, a K-12 student. ITEM NO. 001 ITEM NO. 002 ITEM NO. 003 description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here 31% description here description here description here description here 51% 11% 22% 14% ABOUT COURSES TECHNOLOGY This is Distance Ed's phone. On it, he candownload his "textbook" as an eBook. He reads course texts, watches videos,interacts with his classmates, and asks his teacher questions. Pros for Distance Ed:-Combine online and traditional course work-Work at your own pace-More class variety-Access whenever and wherever Example: In his chemistry course, Distance Ed receives instant feedback for problems because his teacher has created a database of problems and solutions (Glazar and Kralj, 2012). 2012 "If 2012 was the year of MOOCs (massively open online courses) in higher education, then the flipped classroom was the innovation of the year for K-12 schools." - Horn, 2013 YEAR OF THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM Example: In his math course, Distance Ed is supported by an online community that includes his parents and teachers (Dubitsky andGoss, 2012). K-12 ONLINE EDUCATIONSTATISTICS IN 2010 (Dikkers, Lewis, and Whiteside, 2012) Distance Ed is part of a generation of students who watch lectures at home and go over homework in class (Hummel, 2012). ABOUT LEARNING CULTURE IMPLICATIONS Cons for Distance Ed: -Lack of motivation-Insufficient computer skills-Possession of adequate computer-Internet access required-Perceived usefulness (Glazar and Kralj, 2012) - Continued transformation of classrooms with "flipped classrooms"-Increased number of virtual schools in more states-Increased focus on meeting student expectations and entertainment to improve online attrition-More research related to K-12 online learning (using data analytics)-Further development to personalize experience of online education
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