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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Fate Versus Free Will In Julius Caesar By Julian Stiles In his tent before the battlebegan, Brutus saw the ghostof Caesar appear before him.The ghost called himself"Thy evil prescence" How CaesarReacted The Ghostof Caesar The Soothsayer tells Caesarto "Beware the Ides of March"(Act 1, Scene 2, Line 20) Many strange things happen inRome, such as owls sitting outsidein the daytime and people's hands on fire.Cassius even compares these to Caesarwhen he says "like this dreadful night,. . . thunders, lightens, opens graves, and roars as doth the lion in the Capitol."(Act 1, Scene 3, Line 74) Calphurnia has a dream wherethe people of Rome bathe theirhands in Caesar's blood several times At first, Caesar doesnot want to gooutside of his homebecause of Calphurnia'sdreams, butDecius interprets the dream in acompletely differentway. This interpretationwas good for Caesar,so he ignored thebad interpretation. Brutus's Reaction Brutus takes the encounter withCaesar's ghost into consideration,but still proceeds to battle MarkAntony's army the following day. The SecondEncounter Mark Antony won the battles of thenext day, and near the end of the dayBrutus knew he was defeated. Hethen told one of his men to hold hissword so that he could run against itand kill himself. He did this because he saw the Ghost of Caesar on thebattlefield again, and Brutus knewit was time for him to die from this. Cassius's Opinionon Fate VersusFree Will "Men at some time are masters of their fates:The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,But in ourselves, that we are underlings."(Act 1 Scene 2 Line 140) Brutus's OpinionOn Fate VersusFree Will When Brutus says this quote, he isimplying that he believes both fateand free will exist, but fate controls how free one's free will is. In this quote Cassius saysthat fate cannot be blamedfor someone's faults. Theirfaults were made by them.By this, it is obvious thatCassius does not think fatecan control somebody. Signs Leading toCaesar's Death Result When Rome goesthrough the manystrange occurrences,some people stay athome because ofthem, but Caesardoes not take it into consideration. "We at the height are ready to decline.There is a tide in the affairs of menWhich, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;Omitted, all the voyage of their lifeIs bound in shallows and in miseries.On such a full sea are we now afloat,And we must take the current when it serves,Or lose our ventures." (Act 4 Scene 2 Lines 269–276) Caesar ignores it andsays the soothsayer "is a dreamer; let us leave him."(Act 1 Scene 2 Line 26) Thesis: If Caesar heeded the strange signs that he witnessed shortly before his assassination,then he may have delayed his death. Throughout Julius Caesar, it is clear that fate does nottriumph over free will and free will does not triumph over fate. However, both have made theirappearance throughout the play. Caesar's assassination may have been his fate, in which caseit could not be prevented. However, if he did not go to the senate house on the Ides of March,and his assassination was not his fate, it could have been delayed, or even prevented. Caesar was assassinated on theIdes of March, which happenedto be shortly after the strangeoccurrences in Rome. Afterward,the conspirators literally bathedtheir hands in Caesar's blood,just like in Calphurnia's dream.
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