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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Journal The Influence of Classroom Blogging on Elementary Student Writing Journal article by McGrail and Davis This paper explores the effect of classroom blogging on the writing development of primary school students. The research on the format of student blogging state that it encourages self expression, commincation and interaction with the online world. But how does it specifically develop writing skills?The researchers key question was: What happens when fifth graders blog and converse aboutliteracies in the class and beyond? The paper describes a range of positive effects on this 5th grade class, particularly the effect that the audience of the blog had on the writing of the students. It provides a wealth of ideas on how to implement student blogging for teachers including the outlets to extend the blogging such as wikis, video calls, podcasts. The Method The Findings My Knowledge ICT Journal Entry 4 double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Emma Harford Birkett Researchers used teacher and student interviews over the course of a year, informal conversations,work samples, observations of classroom blogging sessions. They collected pre and post blogging projectwriting samples as well as blog posts. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. - Students become mindful and connected to the audience through the commenting features. This led to students becoming motivated and empowered to write- Boosted writer confidence - Ownership over the craft of writing and motivation to improve their craft- Experimenting with the features of language, writing clear, purposeful, and meaningful posts- Rich, engaged, creative writing This journal expanded my knowledge of the wonders of blogging for students. I had read about the benefitsof blogging before, however this article exemplified its effect on writing development. It was so interestingto read the blog posts of the students and see how much they improved over a year, from self centred posts intended for the teacher, to engaging and connected posts directed to their audience who they appreciated so much. The children in the study began to love writing! What a great tool for teachers.There are also many ideas in this article of how to scaffold blogging which is useful as a teacher and I am looking forward to using blogging as a way of enhancing literacy instruction. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. McGrail, E. & Davis, A. (2011). The Influence of Classroom Blogging onElementary Student Writing. Journal of Research in Childhood Education 25(4), 415-437.
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