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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How A Bill Becomes A Law Step One: 1st reading of the bill When a bill is introduced to legislature by a member of the house or senate. Sponsored bills are put into the hopper. A bill can be sponsored by more than one person (cosponsored). It is then given a designation code. Step Two: Sending Standing Committee 3 main options you have with a bill: Step Four: Rules Committee This is a legislative committee responsible for expediting the passage of bills.The also decide what order they will be in when considered on the house and senate floor. Step Five: Second Reading PassKillAmend A standing committee is a Permanent legislative body that consider bills and issues and recommend changes by their respected chambers. Bills are calandered and may not be looked at for months. Step six: Third reading After all amendmentsare made, the House and Senate vote on the bill.House- Recorded vote; Yea, Nay, or Present.Senate- Roll call vote Step 7: Vote on the bill Bills are prepared for floor debate. Step 8: Sent to another chamber Passed bills aresent to other chambers,read, sent to committee,calendered, debated, and then voted on. Step 9: Conference Committee Formed when the house and senate have different versionsof the bill.10-15% end up here.They then sign a compromise bill that issent to the house and senate to vote for approval. Step 10: Sent To President All bills that havebeen passed, arethen sent to thePresident for their approval were they then have four options. Sign the bill which makes it a law, Veto the bill which sends it back to congress, Refuse action which makes bill law after ten days,or pocket veto if there are less than ten days left in the congresional term By: Jessika Hunt
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