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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Get informed! Educate Others! Stay Safe! Getting to know what Disaster and Emergency Management (DEM) is: Defined: Phases of a disaster? DO YOU WANT TO BE A MASTER OF DISASTERS? DISASTER & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 101: LEARN THE BASICS PREPAREDNESS RESPONSE RECOVERY RESILIENCE PREVENTION &MITIGATION WHAT IS A HAZARD? Okay...But what EXACTLY constitutes a disaster? GEOLOGICAL HUMAN INDUCED BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGICAL METORLOGICAL SPACE (i.e.earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, tsunamis) (i.e. diseases, epidemics, insect plagues) (i.e. terrorism, transportation accidents, climate change, oil spills) (i.e. cyber attacks, power failure,dam failures) (i.e. hurricanes, floods, droughts, tornadoes heat waves, wildfires) (i.e. impact events, solar storms) Prevention, sometimes called mitigation, "measures seek to reduce the likelihood or consequences of hazard risk before a disaster even occurs (Coppolla, 2011, p. 209). Preparedness is defined as actions taken in advance of a disaster to ensure adequate response to its impacts, and the relief and recovery from its consequences(Coppolla, 2011, p. 251). When disasters strike, individuals, communities, and countries must initiate disaster response, working within the confines of their limited funding, resources, ability, and time to prevent the onset of a catastrophe(Coppola, 2011, pp. 305). Resilience is the ability of a social system to respond and recover from disasters and includes those inherent conditions that allow the system to absorb impacts and cope with an event, as well as post-event, adaptive processes that facilitate the ability of the social system to re-organize, change, and learn in response to a threat" (Cutter, S. et al. (2008), p.599). ? ? ?
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