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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 James A. Garfield The 20th president of the United States, James A. Garfeild, was born on November 19, 1831 in Orange, Ohio. He was the youngest of five children; his father was Abraham Garfield, a worker in a canal construction and a farmer, and his mother was Eliza Ballou Garfield. Unfortunately, when he was only two years old, his father had passed away, and he had to take care of his family and help with work at his farm as a child. The only education he received was in Geauga Academy in Chester, Ohio. At a young age Garfield became a minister for the Disciples of Christ. He got married to Lucretia Rudolph on 11th November, 1858. on September 19, 1881 in Elbberon, New Jersey. Biography During Garfield’s presidency he had to deal with the Morey Letter. It was a written letter by Garfield himself that indicated his support in an increase in Chinese immigration. Since the increased Chinese immigration was no very popular, Garfield was no able to remember if he had wrote it. Therefore, he could not confirm or deny the allegations. Garfield, being a republican, had to satisfy both wings of his own party: the stalwarts and Half-Breeds. Stalwarts were the conservative Republicans, and the Half-Breeds were moving towards progressivism. This issue was a difficult one considering that he had served on the congressional committee. Dhruv AtriPeriod 4 Social Informal Qualifications Garfield was a former congressman, so he knew how the government worked in this area. He did a good job making legislations about financial and economic management. He served in the military during the Civil war and is known as a civil war hero for two large victories. He supported anti-slavery. He stated, "I am inclined to believe that the sin of slavery is one of which it may be said that without the shedding of blood there is no remission." Garfield was a professor and taught many courses including English, history, geology, mathematics, and classical languages. Therefore, he was a great speaker. Garfield was also recognized for showing support to the presidential campaign of some of the previous presidents including Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant and Rutherford Hayes. He was a member of the Electoral College which gave him the vote from the three Southern states During Garfield’s presidency, one of his most important duties was as Commander in Chief which gave him the authority to direct military. In his first few weeks, he was continuously involved with appointment and confirmation battles. Roles of the President Map Before Garfield’s involvement in his political career, he was a professor of language and literature. After his service in the Union Army during the Civil War, he started his campaign for presidential election and won on March 4, 1881. He could not finish his term and got shot four months after he got elected. Garfield died Garfield also represented Chief Diplomat which allowed him to make decisions about foreign policy. He carried out this role when dealing with the issues on the naval fishing borders with the British government. Garfield had the role of Chief Executive which meant that he decided how the laws of the United States were to be enforced. He fulfilled this duty by proposing substantial civil service reform which was then passed into law as the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act; it stated that government jobs should be awarded on the basis of merit. Fun Facts He was one of the three presidents in 1881 including Rutherford Hayes and Chester Arthur. 1830 1835 1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 Born in Orange, Ohioas youngest child inthe family November 19, 1831 1833 Father, Abraham Garfield,dies when James Garfield is only two years old 1847 James gets a job ona canal boat at theage of 16 1849 Enrolls in Geauga Academyin Chester, Ohio Timeline Garfield was the first ambidextrous president which means he was able to write with both hands. 1858 Graduated andstarted teachingat Hiram College November 11, 1858 Married LucretiaRudolf 1859 Started political careerin Ohio senate March 4, 1881 Elected president of the United States July 2, 1881 Shot at a train station September 19, 1881 Died from bloodpoisoning
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