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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Jesuit Commons:Higher Education at the Margins What is JC:HEM? What do we do? Where we work sustainable, scalable, transferable Dzaleka, Malawi Mae Hong Son, Thailand Kakuma, Kenya Chad Dzaleka 148Kakuma 145Amman 70Mae Hong Son 30Herat 30Chad 10 140 international faculty36 US partners # of Students by Site: JC:HEM Vision: Transform thinking. JC:HEM develops and delivers programs that are to ensure those who live at the margins have access to higher education. JC:HEM Herat, Afghanistan Amman, Jordan 2010 -a private donor supports a three-year pilot-Jesuit Refugee Service is sole on-site partner-two academic programs developed: -Diploma of Liberal Studies -Community Service Learning Tracks (CSLTs) The diploma is a three-year programdelivered online consisting of 45credits (or units) awarded byRegis University--a fully accredited JesuitUniversity located in Denver, Colorado, USA. CSLTs are certificate courses that serve theneeds of the community in areas such asteacher education, counseling, English as aforeign language (basic, intermediate, andadvanced), Child Protection, Special Needs,and Community Health Provider. 2013 Today, have studiedin JC:HEM programs. In the three-year pilot, JC:HEMhas offered the online Diploma in LiberalStudies to refugees and host communitymembers in In addition, JC:HEM has sponsored at all three sites and in Aleppo, Syria. The first JC:HEM studentsgraduate in Septemberfrom Regis University. Aleppo, Syria From 2010 to 2014 JC:HEM and JRS learned howto bring higher education to remote areas of the worldthrough the internet, international faculty and on-site tutors. 2014 January 2014 startedthe capacity buildingphase of JC:HEM. 1,200 plus students 28% are women. 3 Arrupe Learning Centers. 25 different CommunityService Learning Tracks on lessons learned to ensure morestudents in new locations willhave access to highereducation. In addition tostudents in the initial programlocations, students in Thailand,Myanmar, and Afghanistan arenow studying in the program. students from Chad, thePhilippines, Sri Lanka, and otherlocations will join the program. New partnerships are formingwith United Nations HighCommission for Refugees, St.Aloysius Gonzaga Institute inTaunggyi, Myanmar, and withother organizations that togetherindividuals and communitiesat the margins. Transform the World. the goal: build By 2015, scale share a mission to serve
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