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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Issue of Mass Surveillance as an Invasion of Privacy Applications for wiretap orders were submitted to state and federal courts. England USA beachcomberpete.comblog.timesunion.com CCTV cameras across Britain also cost authorities nearly CCTV cameras in the UKone per every people. China has cameras, one for every of its citizens. caught on camera an average of 300 times daily of young people say investigating terrorism is more important while Some schools have CCTV in classrooms, corridors and even in The Wiretap Act prohibits electronic eavesdropping on conversations and intercepting transmitted communications, such as e-mail. It does not cover visual surveillance. The founders created a system of checks and balances, but the safeguards have not kept up with technology. of young people say it is more important for the government not to intrude on personal privacy 51% 45% 2,208 $800 million 4.2 million 14 2.75million 472,000 pupils' toilets and change rooms. The French Senate voted to adopt a law giving government broad powers to monitor just about a person in France does on a cellphone or through an Internet connection. anythin g
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