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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 2010's 1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's 2000's Concrete houses Small boats Fishing regulations Hurricane Luis Sail boats Powerboats Lionfish Primary School Navigators and boat builders British invasion Revolution U.F.O. / Eagle Primary School Houses built in concrete Regular air service Start of tourism in Island Harbour Fishing main source of income Fishermen leaving fish with eggs Smitty's Scilly Cay started Hurricane Luis TV - Dallas Fish traps On Da Rocks $5 crayfish Hurricane Klaus - ships ashore Recession Caught a lot of lobsters after Luis Hurricane Lenny Boom in building Economic crash Powerboats Community Fishing Tourism 1960's - Today Island Harbour Historical Events Increase in gas prices Hurricane Omar No tax levy Lots of sea moss Lots of traffic around Sombrero Island Lionfish Need lights in the harbour Community Care Center Hotels damaged From 14 to 16 gauge Trawlers in Island Harbour Lost a lot of traps Prickly Pear was like Atlantis! Bigger boats Mesh size 1.5 inches More traps Sombrero lighthouse automated Clinic Wreck Buoys Turtle ban Large jew fish caught Kennith Harrigan looked after I.H U.F.O / Eagle Scuba diving started Tourists Better regulations Websters had the first TV Paved Roads Boat building stopped Taking lobsters to St Martin Rougher seas Lobsters $4 lbs Gas cheaper EC4 Scrub project Stop salt exporting Sailing and racing Row boats Migration to Slough and New Jersey Electricity Most Miss Anguilla's from Island harbour Carnival started Mallihuana Hotel St Martin markets for fish Exporting fish and lobsters Not much crayfishing Hurricane Donna Baptist school 80% Homeless Quarry died Smaller boats 10/23/25 foot Didn't have to fo far to fish Sail boats and oars Conch in Shoal Bay Community care center Exporting fish Migration Cheap gas and T.V. Start of tourism
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