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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Ten Essential Information Retrieval Tools User's Guide Ten Essential Information Retrieval Tools User's Guide This users' guide to information retrieval tools is complied for new MLIS students at the GSLIS. The tools include both publicly accessible and password protected ones. All the password protected databases must be accessible from Dominican University's Crown Library website ( This guide includes tool names; a brief introduction to its collections and the most important searching tips or features. 1. Google Search tool double click to change this title text! "site:" operator "site:" operator "site:" operator "site:" operator Operator is a tag that you can include within your Google search to make it more precise and specific. When you use site: operator, it restrict Google to lists results to the site or domain you specify.For Example, you can access full text articles from with the help of this query"the title you want to access but need to pay" site:wsj.comPlease note that there is no space between "site:" and "" or any other domain. If there is space, Google will treat "site:" and "" as two keywords, rather than an operator to search a specific domain. .This method cannot work on other subscription based online news agencies. 2. Citation data retrieval tools Google Scholar Google Scholar offers simple searching for scholarly literature and is available free for anyone. Google Scholar also offers related articles and the number of citations each article earned. It is a great tool for broad research. Note : Google Scholar can access full text article should you search it on campus. Web of Science Web of Science is a subscription based information retrieval system. This system offers plenty of tools to order and analyze search results. It offers great visualization tools such as very detailed citation reports and citations for each year. Web of Science will only offer abstract and citation data. 3. Web analytics tools Google Trend Google trend is a service offered by Google, which can be used in a number of ways, for example, to compare how often a phrase is searched. Google trends can search for both key words and domain names. You need to login to use the site traffic comparison features. Alexa is a freely available tool owned by Amazon used to rank website traffic.It can be quite useful forcomparing one site to a competitor site and you have to enter the URLs to get the traffic data. can ONLY search for domain names. Ten Essential Information Retrieval Tools User's Guide 4. Social media searching tools Social Searcher is a free social media search engine. It allows the user to search for content in social networks in real-time and provides deep analytics data. Users can search withoutlogging in for publicly posted information on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook, save searches and set up email alerts. 5. Health information retrieval tool PubMed Central(PMC) PubMed is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine.Tips: The best way to search PubMed is by using the thesaurus (MESH). Proximity search by double quotes, Specifying search fields. Ten Essential Information Retrieval Tools User's Guide Ten Essential Information Retrieval Tools Users' Guide 6. Business Information retrieval tool Mergent Intellect . It also contains a residential database, company executive biographies, industry information, and a job search database. SEARCH YOUR NAME... LexisNexis Academic LexisNexis provides access to full-text news, business, and legal publications, using a variety of flexible search options. The outstanding news coverage includes deep back files and up-to-date minute stories in national and international sources. Use Company Dossier module to retrieve detailed company information and you can identify and compare companies matching specific criteria. 7. Bibliograhic Databases ProQuest is designed to cover the top 150 core academic subject reference areas. It also provides citations, abstracts and full-text articles for magazines, newspapers and journals. Search the databases all at once (default) or select from the individual databases.One of the great features of ProQuest is you can find items containing to be or not to be. You can search like a machine on ProQuest if you can remember the Field Codes and use the basic search. Another search tip is put an asterisk * at the end of a root word to get all the different endings. Example: goverment* 8. Open access databases Directory of Open Access Journals Searching the open access scholar databases is pretty straight forward like key words from full text, title, abstract. Internet Archive Search a URL and you will find a webpage that has been deleted or overwritten long time ago. 9. Non-bibliographical databases Chicago's Data Portal The City of Chicago's Data Portal is dedicated to promoting access to government data and encouraging the development of creative tools toengage and serve Chicago's diverse community. The site hosts over 200 datasets presented in easy-to-use formats about City departments, services, facilities and performance. 10. Public Data Retrieval tool ProQuest Bibliographic Databases ProQuest ProQuest is designed to cover the top 150 core academic subject reference areas. It also provides citations, abstracts and full-text articles for magazines, newspapers and journals.Search the databases all at once (default) or select from the individual databases. One of the great features of ProQuest is you can find items containing to be or not to be. You can search like a machine on ProQuest if you can remember the Field Codes and use the basic search.Another search tip is put an asterisk * at the end of a root word to get all the different endings. Example: government* Topsy is a realtime search engine powered by the Social Web.Unlike traditional web search engines, Topsy indexes and ranks search results based upon the most influential conversations millions of people are having every day about each specific term, topic, page or domain queried. Mergent Intellect @ Mergent Intellect is a highly flexible web-based application that offers access to private and public U.S and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, the ability to access industry profiles. It also contains a residential database, company executive biographies, industry information, and a job search database. SEARCH YOUR NAME... Created by Nincy GeorgeLIS750 Final Project 10 December 2014 References:Gao, Yijun. (2014). LIS 750 Fall 2014[PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from
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