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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 During an earthquake you should go dropcover and hold which means go under a steady table and hold on to it 90% of the time people die not from a building or house collapsing but from falling objects in your house. The most dangers place in your house is the kitchen and keep away from the walls especially the doors. Do not run out your door and if you are on the street stay away from lamp postelectrical cords trees and other things that can fall on you. During an earthquake you should go drop cover and hold which means go under a steady table and hold on to it 90% of the time people die not from a building or house collapsing but from falling objects in your house. The most dangers place in your house is the kitchen and keep away from the walls especially the doors. Do not run out your door and if you are on the street stay away from lamp post electrical cords trees and other things that can fall on you. How To Prepare Yourself History And Statistics About The Type Of Natural Disaster That Occurred In USA During an earthquake you should go drop cover and hold which means go under a steady table and hold on to it 90% of the time people die not from a building or house collapsing but from falling objects in your house. The most dangeres place in your house is the kitchen and keep away from the walls especially the doors. Do not run out your door and if you are on the street stay away from lamp post electrical cords trees and other things that can fall on you. Who Will Help Organizations like the Red Cross will help.The Red Cross is an organization that helps people like us in desperate times like in natural disasters. They receive money from donors and it goes to help the community in the community they use that money to try and restore the community the way it use to be. Easily The earth is like a puzzle these pieces are called tectonic plates and the world is separating slowly this is called a continental drift. Because of the continental drift the tectonic plates rub against each other and they do not rub smoothly friction creates the earthquake. An earthquakecan create a tsunami. Cause 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake March 28 1964 at a 9.2 average the most horrific earthquake in us history. It went over an area of 520,000 square kilometers (15 killed) and in Hawaii waves a record of 67 meters. It was so massive that it was felt in western parts Yukon Territory as in British, Colombia, and Canada. What To Do? Earthquakes
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