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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 What are Megacities?- Mega cities are city's which have over 10,000,000 people.- There are 33 megacities in the world right now.- 54% of people today live in urban areas.- Most megacities are made up of high rise buildings. New York Cairo Egypt (Cairo) Pressures In Modern Megacities USA (New York) struggling megacity coping megacity First person account New York is one of the megacities which is handling the population of people positively. New York is located on the Eastern Atlantic coastof the United States, around Hudson River.6% of the deaths in New York is from air pollution. Its commonto see black smoke from rooftops There are lots of highrise buildings and lots of mountains.In New York there is 6.4% ofpeople are unimployed 20, 000, 000 million 18, 000, 000 million Hello, my name is Silk. I don't have a last name or at least not that I know of. I'm a 12 years old boy and I live in the megacity of 'Seraipanok'. Seraipanok is located in south-east Asia. The current population of the city today is about 19 million people. I had a father named Ken. Ken has abandoned my mother and I, three years ago, to go and work for the city council or something like that. Since then it has just been my mother andI, until she got into a serious car crash and was killed at the scene. That was two years ago. He's left me alone to run the house, go to schooland so on. My mothers name was Guli. She worked at my school. I don't like going to my school because it makes me think of my mum and putsme in a bad mod. I'd love to change schools but, I'm only a kid, so what choice do I have. I have a job at the lolly store. People say that its thedream job, but I get little pay and so I barely spend any of it on lollies, because I have to live. Every day is a struggle, to eat and to learn,but the main thing which keeps me going is my dream to become a famous pianist. We are learning piano in music and that's really prompted me.I'm getting really good now but I've still got a lot to learn. The main reason I live in such a poor city is because its was my mothers home townand also its cheaper than other city's. My school 'schonle' is a pretty poor school but it still has all the stuck up people, with the fancy housesand everything. At school I have to deal with bulling and teachers. Mostly because I'm so poor and I have to walk 3 kilometres too school.I am always late. I wish my world would change for the better for once but I'm coping, for now. Cairo is one of the most struggling megacities with a population of 18million people and an adding 1.25 million people every year.Cairo is located in Egypt and is situated on the continent of Africa. Cairo is mostly made up of poor people and poor neighbourhoods. streets of Cairoare always jammed packed with cars and traveling is not an option as it would take you about a hour to travel a mile. The region struggles to add simple transportation needs such as airports, trains, sever systems and subways. Cairo is one of the most struggling megacities with a population of 18million people and an adding 1.25 million people every year.Cairo is located in Egypt and is situated on the continent of Africa. Cairo is mostly made up of poor people and poor neighbourhoods. streets of Cairoare always jammed packed with cars and traveling is not an option as it would take you about a hour to travel a mile. The region struggles to add simple transportation needs such as airports, trains, sever systems and subways.
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