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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Oceania and the Americas Caroline Pennington & Margaret Huettner Both the Americas and Oceania were isolated geographically. This meant that they had little contact with advanced technologies, such as iron work, the wheel, and the domestication of animals. This made agricultural labor much more intensive. Both the Americas and Oceania were isolated geographically. This meant that they had little contact with advanced technologies, such as iron work, the wheel, and the domestication of animals. This made agricultural labor much more intensive. Unlike the Americas, Oceaniawas also limited because it wasextremely divided into islands.This made political centralization difficult andcomplex trade practices had tobe put in place. Oceania and the Americas were limitedagriculturally. Neither civilization could mass produce crops like barley and wheat, but rather gathered plantsand root vegetables and hunted too. The lack of advanced tools made iteven harder on them, setting them backfrom other civilizations. Limitations Oceania and the Americas had similar rule in that both had governments that were tied into their religion. For example, the American empires, like the Aztecs, had a ruler who was like a spokesperson to the gods. They would decide who was sacrificed and what to worship. Oceania also had a ruler who acted as a spokesperson to the gods for them.Both Oceania and the Americas also had trade systems within themselves. For instance: The American empires (Mayans, Toltecs, Incas and Aztecs) all traded with each other since they were isolated from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Oceania also had a trade system within itself. Oceania was isolated from Asia, but since Oceania was made up of islands, the islands would trade with each other. Similarities in Political/Economic Development Economic- Oceania and the Americas had different types of social classes. Oceania had social classes based on specialization of labor and artisan classes. Places such as Australia and New Zealand had social classes based on this. The Americas had social classes based on lords having the highest class and criminals having the lowest. This was mainly in places such as the Mayan empire, whose highest social class were the nobles, and the lowest were the criminals. But, the main classes that they relied on were their merchants and artisans.Political-Oceania and the Americas had different types of government. For example,the Americas had very militaristic governments since the American empires were based around war and military. The Aztecs and the Incans were always conquering other territories, which is why their society was based on their military classes. Oceania had a ruling chief with a centralized government since they were isolated by geographic barriers. This was in the islands surrounding Australia and New Zealand. Differences in Political/Economic Development
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