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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 12.5 million or 61% of children under 5 years old are in child care (Laughlin, 2013) The Impact Childcare Has on Childrens Attachment Styles (US Census Bureau, 2013) Specific Childcare That Effects Attachment Styles attachment style to parents infant childcare Contributing Factors to Attachment vs Time spent in care Type of caregiver Quality of care Age entering care Study found:Longterm non-maternal care & infants with high adaptability increase the likelihood of anxious-avoidant attachment. (Umemura, 2014) Girls are more likey to become securely attached to substitute caregivers. (Altenhofen, 2013) FutureImprovements & Considerations Reinforce positive attachment behaviors in childcare Give mothers/fathersmore time off with baby Same caregiver for as long as possible Childcare Center Study:-Infants were less likely to have secure attachment when low maternal sensitivity/ responsiveness wascombined with poor quality childcare -Poor quality care for more then 10 hours per week& multiple childcare arrangements within the first 15 months of the infants life is also associated withinsecure infant- mother attachment styles (Gross, 2011) (Gross, 2011) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) Relative childcare study:How mother-infant attachment is affected: At 3 months: 75% secure, 25% insecure At 12 months: 81% secure, 19% insecure (Sagi, 2002) (NICHD, 1997) (c) (c) During strange situation testing infants attending day care on a full-time basis displayed more avoidance when reuniting with their mother then those that spend less timeat daycare. Poor quality childcare often resultsin insecure attachment styles and reluctance to form new relationships. More sensitivity from the caregiver is more likely to result in secure attachment. Insecure attachment and behaviorproblems were more pronounced the earlier the children entered center care. (Loeb, 2007) (Altenhofen, 2013) (Gross, 2011)
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