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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 World War 2 World War 2 19391945 1939-1945 The Axis were the countries that fought against the Allies. They were three: Germany, Italy and Japan.The Allies were from all the world. The Axis were the countries that fought against the Allies. They were three: Germany, Italy and Japan.The Allies were from all the world. People carried Gas Masks tobe prepared against a possible gas attack. People carried Gas Masks tobe prepared against a possible gas attack. Many toy factorieswere making guns tokids had very few newtoys. Toys had a war theme. They were guns,soldiers, tanks, planes and some more. Many toy factorieswere making guns tokids had very few newtoys. Toys had a war theme. They were guns,soldiers, tanks, planes and some more. People also blacked out windows and doorsduring sunset for enemy airplanesnot to spot wherethey lived, they used very heavy curtains, cardboardor paint. Children and woman were evacuatedfrom big citiesinto the countryside. The Beginning Main Leaders Changes daily life Countries Involved Evacuation Childhood during the War Black Out Gas Masks The Axis leaderswere Adolf Hitlerfrom Germany, Hideki Tojo and Emperor Hirohito from Japan, Benito Mussolini from Italy. War finishedon 8 of Mayof 1945 whenthe AlliesacceptedGermany's surrender. War began inEurope on 3rd September 1939 when theprime minister ofBritain declaredwar on Germany. After that many countries from allover the worldinvolved. There were no supermarkets, in most shops the shopkeeper or the shopassessment served customers from behind a counter. People were desperate to buy food. Connections: Annemarrie of number the stars was hiding from Nazis and Anne Frank washiding from Nazis too because they were both jews. In WW2 jews hid from Nazis because if they found them they would take them. War ends In Anne Frank they did not eat so much food and they always eat more or less the same food and in WW2 most of the countries also did not eat so many food. Annmarie and the Franks both lived in The Netherlands during the war. Anne Frank lost most of her friends during the war. Many people lost familiars and friends during the war.
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