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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Deaths Deaths 14 countries affected over 45,000missing 250,000 Nearly killed 500,000 injuries 1.7 million displaced and forced to move Indonesia most deaths Died in Sumatra 500,000+ displaced in Indonesia speeds of up to 800km per hour Highest magnitude earthquake: 9.0 Indian Ocean Tsunami (2004) Children Died in other regions 1. Underwater earthquake occurs (an earthquake is the shifting of parts of earth's crust)2. Displaces water3. Water flows forcefully outwards from the crack and onto land A tsunami is a series of long, high water waves caused by an underwater earthquake. It destroys anything in its path. This tsunami was on December 26, 2004. It is the deadliest tsunami ever. It is worse than the tsunami and earthquake of Indonesia on October 10,2002; that only had a magnitude of 7.6. A tsunami is a series of long, high water waves caused by an underwater earthquake. It destroys anything in its path. This tsunami was on December 26, 2004. It is the deadliest tsunami ever. It is worse than the tsunami and earthquake of Indonesia on October 10,2002; that only had a magnitude of 7.6. How does a tsunami form? 60% Destroyed Sri Lanka's fishing fleet Statistics Tourism in Phuket, Thailand Dropped 80% Impacts 6000 houses Destroyed in Thailand many families torn apart, so they're lost and depressed. 50 schools Disease threat from mix of fresh water, sewage, and salt water This is the part where the earthquake that caused the tsunami first started So less money and lower economy Less ways to capture fish; less fish to eat Lower economy Less money kids have no education; can't learn No shelter, so no protection The crops were destroyed and the farm land was ruined by salt water. Resources over 500,000+ sheltering in scattered refugee camps 27 hotel complexes in Thailand destroyed
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