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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources Indian Elephants Kingdom: AnamaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: ProboscideaFamily: ElephantidaeGenus: ElephasSpecies: Elephas Maximus Kingdom: AnamaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: ProboscideaFamily: ElephantidaeGenus: ElephasSpecies: Elephas Maximus About Indian Elephants Indian Elephant Adaptations Fetus deliveredto Amniotic Sac calf comes outof Amniotic Sac Elephant Life Cycle Fetus in Womb The calf grows upto be a strong elephant The most commonly known ancestor of the Indian Elephantis the Wooly Mammoth Indian Elephant Habitat The average Indian Elephant is 5000 lbs & 9-10 ft tall! Indian elephants eatup to 400 lbs of vegetation everyday! Elephants need about 50 gallonsof water every day! A female Elephant givesbirth to a 200 lb baby after22 months of pregnancy Elephants haveonly four teethto chew with! Structural adaptations:Tusks- tusks are strong teeth that stick out fromunder elephants' trunks. Tusks are used asweapons by elephants to help protect themselves.Elephants also use tusks to dig water holes.Trunk- a trunk is a strong long tube that sticksout of between an elephant's eyes. Elephantsuse trunks for drinking, holding things, and washing themselves. Elephants drink water bysuck water up their trunk and squirting it into theirmouth. Elephants wash themselves by sucking up water and squirting it on themselves. Trunks have many muscles which help them carry manythings.Leathery skin- leathery skin protects elephants fromgetting too warm like they would if they have fur.Another thing leathery skin does is that it dries afterrain faster than fur. During the monsoon seasonrain pours down fast and for long times.Ears- Elephants have big flappy ears that elephants flap to keep cool during the summer. In most Elephant habitats it is very hot during the summer so every living organism needs a source for cooling off.Size: Elephants are huge in size. Indian elephants can get up to 10 feet tall! Indian Elephant habitats have a lot of dangerous animals such as venomous snakes and Tigers. These animals gat scared and run off by looking at an elephant's size. An Elephant's size is also useful for fighting. Because of it's size, the Indian Elephant also weighs a lot. This means Elephantscan also trample any dangers to death.Behavioral adaptations:Rolling in mud- Elephants roll in wet mud to keepflies off. This keeps elephants from continuouslygetting bothered by flies and mosquitos. An elephant's trunkhas over 40,000 muscles! Indian elephants live in grasslands, dry deciduous, moist deciduous, evergreen and semi-evergreen forests.The climate varies throughout the habitats of Indian Elephants.If it started snowing in these habitats, Elephants wouldn't be able to survive with the adaptations they have right now.Some reasons elephants won't survive are the temperature, moving, and finding food. Elephants have no outer layer of hair or any material to provide warmth. Walking around for the elephants would be extremely hard because the elephant's feet would sink intothe snow. Another problem for elephants would be finding food. Elephants eat plants which are either dead or buried under snow during the winter.If Indian elephants adapted to survive in the cold the would be like The Wooly Mammoth. Elephants would grow hair on their bodiesand become carnivores. Surviving in the winter would still be hard, but at least it would be better.
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