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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Imperialism in India The Story The Indian Subcontinent is rich in commodities that traders enjoyed, many of these traders being European. During 1450-1750, the weakening of the Mughal Empire in addition to the internal unrest between the Hindu majority and the Muslims allowed for ample vacancy for the Europeans to encroach. With the Dutch in the Indies, India was left to the victorious party between the British and French, decided to some degree during the Seven Years War, one front being in India itself. England emerged victorious and took little time in establishing itself as the dominate trader in the Indian Ocean, with the creation of the British East India company led in India. Soon the company used the crumbling Mughal Empire to establish administrations throughout the subcontinent,and to help in the administration, the British relied on Sepoys, Indians who worked for the Brits. The Sepoy Mutiny As the British wealth grew, they continuously sought to expand their influence and power over the Indians. And in influencing their culture, they completely disregarded the local customs and traditions of the natives. When they supplied the firearms for the Sepoys, most of whom were Hindi or Muslim, they greased the bullet cartridges with pork and beef fat, both from animals that were regarded as sacred or forbidden in Hindu and Islamic culture. When the Sepoys learned of this in 1957, they rebelled, but they were ultimately crushed after two years of fighting. The British parliament stepped in, claiming the entire subcontinent under the British Crown, sending the last Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah II into exile and recognizing Queen Victoria as the Empress of India in 1877. India as a Colony Effects of Imperialism in India Britain ruined India's previous economy and industries as a result of Britain forcing them to import their goods from Britain and not buy their own goods from India. Industries such as the handmade cloth industry, clock-making, metal, and carpentry industries, fell because cloth was made of better quality for cheaper in Britain because of mass production.India soon became dependent of Britain due to the colonization, and dependency on Britain's imported goods. India was made to only import goods from Britain and what couldn't be found in India was imported from Britain. India was left unable to support themselveson their own because of British interference with trade and businesses.Famine. Britain encouraged farmers to grow cash crops, and the growing population wasn't able to afford the amount of food causing many to starve.Britain controlled the government and didn't allow the native people to have a say or be a part of politics or run for positions of power.Sepoy Mutiny. The Sepoy mutiny was when the Sepoy Indians captured Delhi, and rebelling against the British. Britain soon crushed the rebellion and killed and tortured many of the Sepoy's.The British believe that because the people of India were of a different culture that they were automatically below them no matter who they were and that they couldn't even be compared to the British.And so, those feelings and ideas filtered through time. Raw materials such as cotton, other commodities and even some foodstuffs made their way to Britain, were they were manufactured and bought back by Indian markets. The arrangement was very profitable for the British, and also gave them a stronghold in Asia from which they could launch both physical and economic attacks on China such as with the Opium Wars. The Upper Castes of Indian Society were expected to assimilate, if you will, into British culture, and Christianity spread. The Infrastructure, especially the ports and railroads were improved and built. The Education of the upper castes ultimately gave India an educated elite learned in worldly affairs, a great advantage when independence movements and revolts began to occur.
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