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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 IN VITRO FERTILIZATION A l i z a h S h a b b a r Louise Brown born on July 25th, 1978Oldham General HospitalGreater Manchester, UK. - Popular alternative to conceive a child Technology available to those that want a baby but cannot due to infertility problems single mothers, or even homosexuals Procedure where eggs from a woman's ovary areremoved and fertilized with sperm outside the body. The "embryo" is then inserted into the women's uterus. - Alternative around for a long time } - Safe for children due to testing in all countries - Fairly safe procedure ADVANTAGES - Boosts odds of those with infertility problems and gets them pregnant - Available in major hospitals - Couples that are unable to produce a baby are given the chance - High success rate if done properly - Helps those with blocked fallopian tubes, high FSH, weak ovarian reserve, PCOS, low sperm count - Can be used at any time - Can reduce surgery on fallopian tubes by 50% - Unused contributed to stem cell double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. research avoiding the ethical morals factor 1970 - Robert G. Edwards and Patrick Steptoe successfully used IVF and it resulted in thebirth of the worlds first baby using the method of IVF.Edwards began working on the procedure in the 1950s. Edwards developed these studiesdue to studies he discovered through simply experimenting medicine. IVF has successfully given the infertile 4 000 000 babies Edwards began working on the procedure in the 1950s. Edwards developed these studiesdue to studies he discovered through simply experimenting medicine. 6-8% of the population can benefit from IVF 11.5-16% of couples in Canada experience infertilityand half would seek treatment. Most disagree since money does not grow on trees, finite dollars available to governments to pay for public services Fertility drugs, hormone injectors, egg retrieval andsperm collection, fertilization and embryo transfer,repeated cycles - STEPS FOR IVF Disadvantages - success rate 30%, expensive cost,birth defects, multiple births, abortions, ethical morals,babies born premature, insurance companies do not cover costs, ineligibility, health concerns WORLD IS HAPPY WITH IVF
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