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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 35 million years ago *Encyclopædia Britannica, Canadian Encylopedia, National Geographic Impact Events in Earth's History 4.5 billion years ago A timeline of some of the major impacts on Earth 2.023 billion years ago 66 million years ago 1908 Acraman Crater -This crater is located in South Australia, Australia in what is now known as Lake Acraman. The diameter of the crater may have been about 45 km-90 km. Tunguska Event -During this event, an explosion occurred in the atmosphere cusing an air burst 5 km-10 km above the Earth's surface. Itdestroyed 2000 square km of trees in Siberia, Russia. Its explosion force was equivalent to 15 megatons of TNT.No one was killed and no crater was found. 2013 1.8 billion years ago 590 million years ago Ammol Singh Giant Impact Hypothesis - A Mars-sized body collided with the Earth. The ejected matter from the Earth coalesced(come together to form a mass or whole)and formed the Moon. CretaceousPaleogene extinction - This impact caused a mass extinction-80% of all species of animals went extinct. Of the dinosaurs, only the archosaurs survived. The crater is located in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. It is 180 km in diameter. Cheylabinsk Meteor -In Cheylabinsk, Russia, a meteor caused anair burst and broke apart 27 km above the surface. About 1500 people were injured and many buildings were destroyed. The air burst released about 500 kilotons of energy. Sudbury Basin - The basin is 60 km in length and 30 km in width. It is located in Ontario, Canada. The crater's diameter is 140 km. Popigai Crater - The impact of the 5 km-8 km asteroid caused heat and pressure, which formeddiamonds in the area. It struck in Siberia, Russia. The crater is about 100 km in diameter. Vredefort Dome/Crater - It is the oldest and largest impact craterthe world. It is located in Free State, South Africa. The crater is about 380 km in diameter and the asteroid itself may have been 5 km-10 km in diameter.
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