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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Infografix Landon Eslinger p.4 Homeostasis/transport -involves diffusion heavily -3 types of body planes: transversal, medial, frontal -endocrine controls body and hormones histology -most abundant tissue type: connective -epithelial cells: simple, stratified, pseudo stratified -muscle tissue makes movement -specialized nerve cells are neurons cardio(heart) -normal heart rate: 60-90 bpm -heart sound made by closing valves -tachycardia: fast heart beat cardio(blood) -RBC are granular leukocytes -plasma is most abundant -blood is to clot and transport nutrients Respiratory-alveoli is site of gas exchange -epiglottis closes when swallowing -trachea is the windpipe - digestive - eat for energy -pharynx is for air and food -liver makes bile -cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease urinary -hemoglobin in blood before filtration -urethra drains bladder -diabetes can cause renal failure -urethra is 1 1/2 inches in women -bladder can fall out of women integumentary -skin is largest organ -protects and regulates body temp. -st degree burns are only on epidermis and are red-check for cancerous moles by ABCDE -3rd degree burns expose adipose tissue Relationships of Systems All of the systems cohesively work together to create a stable, healthy body. It is a cycle of providing different things like oxygen , cleanliness for the whole body to work, transportation for things (like nutrients or waste), and protection.
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