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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Hanna, an IDP from Donetsk, moved to a town of Horodok where she fell in love with a local library. She is a professional opera singer and was in search of a place for vocal rehearsals to the accompanimentof a piano. Both the training space and the musical instrument were available at the library, where Hanna now got a chance to practice. From now on she is a library regular, often joining in for different events, presenting the beauty of her voice to the local community. LIBRARIES SERVING INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS October-December 2014 data Oleh, and IDP from Kirovsk, a town in Luhansk region, along with his wife had to move to the city of Volochysk in Khmelnytsk region . At the beginning of December both husband and wife turned to the local library to receive help in reregistering for social benefits. At thelibrary Oleh and his wife received qualified assistance and prepared all the necessary documents to reapply for retirement benefits at the Social service office with no hassle. The library obtained two loyal regulars. Many IDPs are successful businesspeople forced to leave all their assets and look for new ways of reorganizing business on the new locations. A male entrepreneur from the separatist-held city of Horlivka moved to Dnipropetrovsk and turned to one of the city libraries looking for help. He wanted to reregister his business but didnt know what steps to take.Librarians connected him with a law companywhere he received free councelling on thelegal aspects of business registration. Moreover,library staff helped him to start recruitment for his new enterprise and placed job offers online. Завдяки інтернету в бібліотеці родина Долженківіз Луганщини перереєструватися та отримати соціальні виплати. Пані Світлані допомогли знайти роботу вихователем в дошкільному закладі. Її чоловік через інтернет знайшов роботу охоронцем у м. Харків. Їхня донька зареєструвалася на участь в ЗНО. Social benefits Art for community Finding jobs Libraries reach out to IDPs A female IDP from the city of Lysychansk in the conflict- torn Eastern Ukraine had to flee from violence to Lutsk. Volyn library has become a starting point for the new page of her career. Once received qualified assistance from local librarians she managed to secure a job at international automotive company. Another female IDP used library services to start selling hand-crafted New Year presents on the internet. At the local library she placed a few photos of the presents online and within days managed to sell all the goods. Starting new business I attended a meeting with IDPs that was organized at Chernihiv Employment Center, giving away brochures that include all Chernihiv trusted resources for IDPs collected in a single printout. In addition, I promoted available library services among the displaced, said a librarian from Chernihiv Oblast Library.
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