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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 49 Broadway performances were canceled,costing $8 million ticket sale lost. 20 000 000 approximate number of tweetssent during storm. 70 national parks were closed. Hurricane Sandy 2012 Deaths 203 Deaths. 200 000 homes were damaged one way or another! October 29: 12:30 pm- Sandy strikes NJ, starts to gain energy, dumps heavy snow in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, hurricane reaches about 300 mph because of the full moon. Afternoon- Washington D. C. gets high winds, rainfall, and electricity is getting cut off. 8 pm- Sandy categorized as no longer a hurricane, arrives at high tide at under 14 feet beating the previous record of 10 feet of Hurricane Donna in 1960. October 23-24: Sandy becomes at Category 1 hurricane, moves north to Caribbean, and crosses Jamaica, leaves 20 inches of rain at Dominican Republic and Haiti. October 22: Starts to form in South Caribbean Sea off the coast of Nicaragua, winds at maximum of 40 mph. October 25-26: Sandy moves to Cuba from Jamaica, strikes Santiago de Cuba at 110mph (Almost Category 3). October 27: Sandy moves from Bahamas, turns off Florida, death toll in Caribbean about 70 or more. October 31- At this point, Sandy dies and settles around the Great Lakes therefore giving Canadian coast a settle shake, NOAA reports Sandy’s damage won’t exert $20 billion. Sandy Impact Timeline Sandy Impact Timeline Sources Over 8 million residents were affected with the power outages. 18 000 flights and more were cancelled due to the hurricane. 8 100 000 homes lost power. 820 miles is the diameter of Sandy’s: double the landfall size of Hurricane Isaac and Irene combined. 17 states were affected. 10 000 to 40 000 people were driven form their homes! (People driven to other states or locations without the threat or moved to their friends and relatives) Millions were affected across 5 Caribbean nations (Bahamas, Cuba,Haiti, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico). Approximatley. 25 000 000 000 lost in business activity according to HIS Global Insight. 25 000 000 000 lost in business activity according to HIS Global Insight. Central pressure measured with a barometer (27.76 inches)is the lowest reading yet for an Atlantic storm! Central pressure measured with a barometer (27.76 inches)is the lowest reading yet for an Atlantic storm! Number of shelters in... New York 5 361, New Jersey 4 229, and Connecticut 13 300 paitients were evacuated from NYU MED. 2nd most costly American hurricanein HISTORY. (Next to Hurricane Katrina) 25% people are expected not to return to their homes. Hurricane Sandy 2012 Hurricane Sandy 2012 The New York Stock Exchange closed for the first time since 1888. Hurricane Sandy Records 32.5 feet wave- highest coast level in the season of Sandy Sixthcostliest cyclone when adjusting for inflation, populationand wealth normalization factors. Sixth-costliest cyclone when adjusting for inflation, populationand wealth normalization factors. Deadliest U.S. cyclone outside of the southern states since Hurricane Agnes of 1972. Other History Comparisons! Other History Comparisons! United States $50 000 COSTS Internationally (In millions.) COSTS Internationally (In millions.) Cuba $80 The Bahamas $300 Jamaica $16.5 49.9% goes towards saftey repairs. 49.9% goes towards saftey repairs. US government begin designinghigher buildings to prevent flooding. US government begin designinghigher buildings to prevent flooding. http:/nation.time.com20121126hurricanesandyonemonthlater/http:/www.entrepreneur.comarticle229644http:/voices.nationalgeographic.com20121102atimelineof-hurricanesandyspathofdestruction/http:/www.cbc.canewscanadastormblownsignkillswomanintoronto1.1219818http:/www.cnn.com20130713worldamericashurricanesandy-fastfactsindex.html 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Canada New York New Jersey Pennslyvania West Virginia Connecticut Maryland Caribbean Other States Category 3 hurricane (111mph). October 30: Sandy moves from NY, Sandy weakens and moves inland over Pennsylvania. Hurricanes are large storms with raging wind speed, they form over water but sometimes strike land. When they hit shore, it causes floods, and heavy rainfall. They are categorized by wind speed: Category 1- 74-95 mph, Category 2- 96-110 mph, Category 3- 11-129 mph etc. What are hurricanes? Schools were closed for many days because of the blackout. Tourisms sinks as the city is in distress. The areas get federal support from government. The areas get federal support from government. How it was caused? How it was caused?
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