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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 start from scratch[clears the canvas] HURRICANE HAZEL HISTORY AND STATISTICS Have you ever heard of Hurricane Hazel If you are currently a child, you probably haven't since it occurred in 1954. Hazel is responsible for 95 deaths in the US and $281 million in damage. This hurricane also caused 100 deaths and $100 million in damage. Unfortunately for Haiti, Hurricane Hazel caused an estimated 400 to 1,000 deaths. HISTORY AND STATISTICS Have you ever heard of Hurricane Hazel? If you are currently a child, you probably haven't since it occurred in 1954. Hazel is responsible for 95 deaths in the US and $281 million in damage. This hurricane also caused 100 deaths and $100 million in damage. Unfortunately for Haiti, Hurricane Hazel caused an estimated 400 to 1,000 deaths. HELP US!!! Cause of Hurricane Hazel The cause of Hurricane Hazel was that there were weather patterns. Changing weather patterns affect the way storms begin. The wind moves around because the warm rises and the cold air sinks. Cause of Hurricane Hazel The cause of Hurricane Hazel was that there were weather patterns. Changing weather patterns affect the way storms begin. The wind moves around because the warm rises and the cold air sinks. Preparation To prepare for a tragic event like this, shop for necessary items, such as water, food, and anything else you might need to survive. You might want to also listen to or watch the news. You must do all of this before the hurricane actually starts. You never know when it will occur. You may also need batteries, flashlights, a camera for the photos of the damage, and a first aid kit. Preparation To prepare for a tragic event like this, shop for necessary items, such as water, food, and anything else you might need to survive. You might want to also listen to or watch the news. You must do all of this before the hurricane actually starts. You never know when it will occur. You may also need batteries, flashlights, a camera for the photos of the damage, and a first aid kit. Community Resources The resources that you can use in this type of situation are storm shelters or maybe a strong house. If you live near the ocean, you are going to need something to protect you from it. If you live somewhere that is not close to the ocean, you might need something to protect you from the wind. Community Resources The resources that you can use in this type of situation are storm shelters or maybe a strong house. If you live near the ocean, you are going to need something to protect you from it. If you live somewhere that is not close to the ocean, you might need something to protect you from the wind. By: Amani KaramRoom:332/Grade 6 PLEASE!!!
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