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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Economic State Vs The Middle Ages The Middle Ages The Renaissance Ruler Of The Mediterrarean: The Arab Empire Spain brought in an abundance of cheap silver and gold from Mexico and Peru into Europe, which introduced coins in the economy, and inflated the economic structure for a while. Spain brought in an abundance of cheap silver and gold from Mexico and Peru into Europe, which introduced coins in the economy, and inflated the economic structure for a while. "The Silk Road" was an official trade route that mostly shipped China's silk with other various goods. When silk was often traded, people produced numerous kinds of ideas from silk, which made an economic impact. Negatively, it created various diseases from animals, which resulted into The Black Death in Europe, the incident that wiped out nearly half of Europe's Population. Due to the Arabs controlling the center of the trade route, they earned millions and managed to construct their own empire. Then, they blocked the shipments arriving from Europe. But When This Happend Europeans were compelled to discover new routes and land to increase their nation's supremacy, along with the economy. Personalities like Christopher Columbus, and Vasco De Gama carried out this aim. The economy in the Middle Ages relied on trading goods. When the printing press was invented in the 1400s, 'banknotes' came into existence. The Renaissance led to the discovery of 'money'. The renaissance economy was revived by investments into:
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