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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Ben Ali Age: Hosni Mubarak vs Governing Style Hosni Mubarak Mubarak quickly became an old-stylestrongman with full control of the government. He focused on economic growth and political reform; Egypt was a near-dictatorship; He was detained in April and held on charges of corruption and complicity in the killing of the protesters. Mubarak was found guilty for his role in the protesters' deaths and sentenced to life in prison October 14 1981- February 11 2011 Dictator and Military commander 86 Years 2 April 1989 14 January 2011 78 YearsOld Dictator Mubarak and Ali were both leadersduring the Arab Spring revolutiondue to their poor leadership. Presidential Term Ghriba Synagogue Bombing 2011Arab Spring Wars DuringTerm Gulf War: 1990-1991Sinai Insurgency:2011-Arab Spring Presidential Term Governing Style Wars DuringTerm Age: Zine El Abidine Ben Ali Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, left the country in violent protests.He consolidated his rule by muzzling the opposition, keeping strong control of the media and armed forces and gradually extending the number of terms he is allowed to serve under the constitution. he promised a gradual move towards democracy, he held a referendum to change the constitution so he could serve a fourth term. Ben Ali faced an unprecedented mass revolt initially sparked by discontent over joblessness, which ended his 23 years.
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