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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 WEED a library how to Why get rid of books? M-U-S-T-I-E "I know no rules for discarding that eliminate possibility of error. We all makes mistakes but most of these mistakes I am convinced stand on the shelves." ~ Gladys Allison, Suggestions on Discarding Because they're A short explanation of an incredibly complicated process. M ISLEADING U S T E I refers to information that is factually inaccurate due to new discoveries, revisions in thought, or new information that is now accepted by professionals in the field covered by the subject. GLY M items are those that sit on the shelf right next to newer editions or newer titles with updated information. Be sure to watch for books that are still circulating that include outdated pictures, products, and ingredients. implies that the material included in the item was popular for a briefperiod of time but interest has largely waned. Biographies of pop culture performers, games and consumer products, TV shows, diets, & fiction series come and go very quickly. UPERSEDED factor includes most of the elements related to the physical condition of the item -- wear, damage, stains, tears, dirt -- that make it less attractive to a student. If you don't want to touch the item without wearing gloves, neither will the student. S U T RIVIALITY RRELEVANT I means that the interests and needs of your community may have changed over time. If a particular topic is no longer as relevant to the community as it was at another time, the collection may have too many items just sitting on the shelf. LSEWHERE E reminds us that no library is an island! We are not alone out there in the vast information wilderness. You can feel more secure about discarding an item if the information contained within is available elsewhere. This infographic was made by Carina Gonzalez using excerpts from CREW: A Weeding Manual for Modern Libraries by Jeanette Larson.
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