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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How a Bill becomes a Law 2. Sent to Standing Committee - 90% of work is done here - A bill will spend the majority of it life here - 90 - 90 rule. 90% of bills never make it out and 90% of bills die here 1. First Reading - Sponsor introduces the bill - Sent to house if money is needed and placed in the hopper - Sent to senate if no money is involved 3. The Committee has Three main options 1. Recommend a 'Pass' and goes to the floor 2. They can kill it and the bill dies 3. They can pigeon hole it and keep it in the committee All it needs is a simple majority vote to move on 4. Sent to Rules Committee 5. Sent back to the Floor (the entire chamber) - Everyone has to read becauseof changes made - At this point the bill has been in committee for months 6. 3rd Reading - Debate begins with Sponsoror person who wrote the bill - The Senate can start a filibuster which is an endless debate generally started by the minority party to stall voting - The only way to stop is with a 3/5 vote of cloture 7. Voting - Takes a simple majority vote (50% + 1) 8. The bill is then sent to other chamber where it repeats steps 1-7 - This acts as a form of checks and balances 9. Sent to conference committee - Only if the bill differs from the original version - Sole purpose of the committee is to iron out the differences so that the bills are identical 10. Sent to the President of the United States - Has four options1. Sign it and it becomes a law2. Veto it and it dies but can be overrode with 2/3 votein both houses3. Pocket Veto is if after ten days congress adjourns and the bill dies4. Hold it, If not signed within ten days bill becomes a law without signature
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