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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Heart How Does Technology Affect Children's Learning? Brain Eyes Hands Ears New technologies, including cell-phones, affect the function of our cells. Without a doubt, cellphones can save lives. They enable quicker notification of emergency medical services and even speed up transmission of medical records. But should we be worried about how cell-phones affect the function of the heart, especially because so many of us carry these gadgets in our pocket right over our ticker? The company "Apple" includes a legal statement under the tab "Legal" information which states “carry IPhone at least 10 cm away from your body to ensure exposure levels remain at or below the as-testedlevels." Technology is obviously really bad for your heart. The use of digital technology is damagingstudents' attention spans and the ability topersevere in the face of challenging tasks. Technology can cause eye strain and sight problems when used for a long periodof time. There is no research that showsconstant technology use causes any permanentvision damage. But staring at bright screensfor hours on end can lead to smaller-scaleproblems. This pie chart contains what 685 teachers said about technology and how it affects their students'learning. As you can see, most teachers thinkit hurts attentionspans. This pie chart shows what teens do with technology. As you can see, most kids play video games more than using instant messaging or having broadband connections. Listening to MP3 players or IPods at high volume increases the risk of deafness when you are older. In the past, it was labourers in noisy factories and soldiers using firearms who lost their hearing. Now it’s young people who crank up the sound level on their devices. A generation of children and young adults are risking hearing loss in their middle age and beyond by listening to their iPods and MP3 players at high volume for several hours a day. Inserting earphones into the ear canal intensifies the volume which can reach over 120 decibels, equivalent to the noise from a jet engine. Semi-ambidextrous Nicholas Cronquist, now 26,types papers while at the University of North Dakota and when choosing a career rooted in technology, it drastically decreased the amount he wrote by hand, causing writing in cursive to become uncomfortable and painful. Will tablets replace the pencil and paper we know?How effective is technology on children?Will the method of taking notes and teaching lessons be different? double click to change this header text! double click to change this title text! double click to change this title text!
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