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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How's Nashville Navigator Role Case Conferencing Complete VI-SPDAT Be assigned as Navigator:Either by telling the Community Coordinator(Mandy) or by volunteeringat the Outreach & Support Services Meeting (Wednesday) Decide on Options Work on Section 8 Housing Paperwork & Match Initiation Step One How's Nashville What to do while you are waiting for a match? Until we have enough landlords in our CES online system:Work with the housing applicant the way you would without the CES on removing barriers to housing and assisting him/her locate housing if they have a Section 8 Housing Voucher.But - once you move a person into housing, please introduce the landlord to Deon ( we have the opportunity to enter the landlord into the CES, which will speed up future housing matches. Step Two Step Three Navigatorassignment Decide whether HousingCandidate is eligible forSection 8; get ID, Social Security Card, BC; examine income; consider background;id barriers to housing. Get input from peers.Work with Deon on Section 8 Housing.If matched with housing,work with Karri on communicating with landlord,paying for move-in costs. Celebrate successlink to ongoingsupport All housing navigators are required to have completed a housing navigation training.Housing navigators generally are employees at a service agency and integrate thisprocess into their daily job at one of our partner agencies.As the navigator you are working closely with a housing applicant to identifyand remove barriers to housing. The Coordinated Entry System (CES) matching toolassists us, as a community, to identify potential landlords who are willing to work with the population we are trying to serve. However, any landlord leadyou receive is a housing lead. A housing applicant still has to fill out a housingapplication and be accepted for a housing unit. The matching tool provides a pre-screening process. The CES matching tool does not add time to the housing process (compared to last year). As soon as there is housing available, we matchthe person with the highest acuity who is eligible for a unit.
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