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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 I have a very responsible attitude towards work. I am organized and reliable. I can handle complications and I am an eager an fast learner. Half foreigner half local Im a Polish girl who grew up in Czech Republic, now dates a Croatian and has lived in Zagreb for almost two years. I understand tourists while having a great insight into the local life as well. Im serious about this I lived in international setting forover year and a half and I simply love the environment of diversity and openness. I have experience with both participating and organizing many international projects, Ive hosted plenty of couchsurfers, I love international environment Creativity, enthusiasm and organizational skills I have plenty of ideas of events/activities for hostel guests. I have experience with organizing different events (art festival, youth club) and I love networking starting new partnerships and cooperation. I love to work with people and for people. Happy clients and great team spirit are the top priorities for me. Caring and people oriented Im communicative and can speak four languages, including Croatian. Dori at House Hostel - New ideas, events & activities- Connection to international youth organizations- Care of guests with enthusiasm and positive energy- Eco-friendly attitude and suggestions- Decent and responsible work- Great English, Polish, Czech and Croatian What I can bring What would work at House Hostel give me - Wonderful, cozy working space- Opportunity to use and develop my skills and potential - Valuable insight into managing a hostel- Inspiring international environment- Privilege to be a part of hostel with an excellent reputation
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