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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 There are approximately 500,000 hemophiliacs in the world. A rare blood disorder that prevents the body from clotting properly. Hemophilia is a genetic disease passed down throughout a family. are almost completely sedentary physical inactivity get less physical activitythan recommended Hemophilia ismore common in males. 1-5,000 males are born with hemophilia each year. 7% of Type 2 diabetes 10% of breast and colon cancer Get What can you do? moving! . Start 17,000 Hemophiliacs in the United States Gene Therapy can help with treating and preventing Hemophilia. This is a new discovery that is just being tested and improved. To diagnosis this disease doctors will take a blood sample and test it for the disease. They will also look for the factors that can determine if it is Hemophilia A or B. (only 5.1 die from smoking) Data complied from "Reynolds, Gretchen, "The Couch Potato Goes Global" New York Times (7/18/2012) Hemophili a Sons of men with hemophiliawill not have the disorder. Symptoms :Nosebleeds.Bruising, especially a large, lumpy bruise.Bleeding that does not stop after getting a cut, extracting a tooth, getting an injury to the mouth or having surgery.Bleeding for no reason. double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! A or B? The only deaths linked to this disease are related to people bleeding out, but this is very uncommon.
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