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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Reflection ECEP 103 The Healthy Development of the Whole Child was an integral part of myexperience this semester. I chose to include an Animoto video as an artifact because itdemonstrates that I am able to apply the learning formed in the classroom to the outsideworld (i.e. tracking my three-year-old nephew's development in terms of the physical,cognitive, and social/emotional domains). This is helpful in my future career as aRegistered Early Childhood Educator because the learning in this course has given methe necessary knowledge to plan developmentally appropriate curriculum that ensuresthat the physical, cognitive, and social/emotional domains are considered when planningactivities. The most valuable aspect of this course was the Virtual Child assignment because itallowed me to practice connecting theoretical concepts we learned in class to actions and activities that may affect the child. The Virtual Child Assignment was also a great tool for me tovisibly learn that healthy development is not just about the physical domain, but also theintellectual and social/emotional as well. The most challenging aspect of this course was the case studies/ scenarios that we had toassess during our Health & Safety promotion workshop. It introduced me to a lot of elementsof health and safety that may require practice to effectively implement (e.g. the exclusion policiesfor ill children in a centre). One strategy that I used to meet this challenge was to throroughlyreview the textbook and take notes so that I will retain the knowledge of these policies. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. ECEP 103 Healthy Development of the Whole Child
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