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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 HEALTH AND SAFETY HEALTH AND SAFETY What you should know USING MACHINERY SPECIAL CLOTHING ' COMMON HAZARDS Generacion internacionalnacida entre 1995 y el primerlustro de la decada del 2000 Generacion internacionalnacida entre 1995 y el primerlustro de la decada del 2000 LIFTING ANDCARRYING Your employer should give you training if you have to lift anything during your placement. The following basic techniques should be used: Hazard signs=May harm you Prohibition signs instruct, inform and advise about things that are not allowed. HEALTH & SAFETY SIGNS Prohibition Signs = Not allowed Hazard signs let people know about possible dangers. Mandatory signs=Must do You must follow the instructions on these signs. Keep back straight Bend knees Keep head up Get a good grip Keep feet apart You are unlikely to be asked to use potentially dangerous machineryduring your work placement. However, if you have to use any equipment your employer must train you to use it safely. You should also be told how to report any accidents or damage. You may be given special equipment to wear whilst on work placement. This is know as Personal Protective Equipment. Examples include special clothing, high-visibility gear or protective equipment. You should be very aware for potential hazards on your placement. Things to look out for include: Moving vehicles Noise/ Vibration Think before lifting Heights Fire hazards Trailing wires Slips, trips & falls
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