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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 This infection is causedby the bacterium preventsthe cilia from doing it's joband clearing the debris fromyour lungs. This therefore, sends the host into a coughingfit allowing them to expel bacteriainto the air causing this disease to be extremely contagious. Symptoms Sources & Causes Coughing spellswill last over a minute followed by a high pitch "whooping" sound when breathing. later symptoms - vomiting - dehydration - exhaustion (after fits) When being treated at home a child will need to sleep with a cool-mist vaporizer to help soothe their lungs and improves breathing/respiration. Because Whooping Cough also causes vomiting, you need to offer your child small, frequent meals and encourage them to drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration. In 2012 there were over 4,000 reported cases of Whooping Cough in the US, and 18 reported deaths.While in the same year, in the UK, there were about 9,741 confirmedcases with 14 deaths. Since the use of the vaccination, beginning in the 1940's, the reported cases of Whooping Cough are 97% lower than the number recorder in the pre-vaccination era. first symptoms- runny nose- sneezing- mild cough- low-grade fever Current Treatments descripition & history Whooping Cough Also know as Pertussis, thisdisease is an infection in therespiratory system. Pertussis canbe found within people of any age,but it is most commonly found in children. The most severe cases arefound in unimmunized childrenunder the age of one. It's namecame from the severe coughingspells that in the end, results in a "whooping" sound when the personinhales. Up until the mid-1940's,the year the DTap vaccine was firstintroduced, Pertussis killed 5,000to 10,000 people per year. But theuse of this vaccine has reduced thatnumber to less than 30 victims a year. Preventative Measures Apnea (in infants), when achild may get red or purple in the face looking like they are trying to catch their breath. They will be experiencing a pause/short loss of breath. Pertussis is specifically caused by the bacteriumBordetella Pertussis that infects the lungs. In the early stages of the disease, a child will be treated with antibiotics for at least two weeks. If the child is under 6months of age the childwill be given hospitalizedtreatment. This includesmonitored breathing, oxygen, IV fluids, and isolation to prevent spreadof infection. A person can catchWhooping Cough from bacteria spread throughtiny drops of fluid froman infected person's nose or mouth. You can also catch Whooping Cough through the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or laughs. This disease is actively preventedwith the Pertussis vaccine which is found in the TDapimmunization. This immunization is required to be given to a child before their sixth birthday. Giving a child a TDap booster is when the child is 11 to 12 years of age will further help prevent the disease in addition to the child's first vaccination years before. Mothers who get the vaccination during pregnancy help prevent the child from getting the disease after birth. Statistical Info In 2012, 84.6% ofteenagers, ages 13to 17, had at least onedose of the TDapvaccination.
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