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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Page 2 Perspective #3: Public Opinion "Belgium's Muslim Veil Ban: What Europeans Think about the Niqab and Women's Rights", Jewish News OneThis is a Jewish news station that went around Brussels and interviewed the public aboutwhat they thought on the headscarf ban in Belgium on June 15, 2012. Jewish News 1 is aEuropean news station that reports about current events. They first introduced theheadscarf ban issue, then walked around interviewing and filming the local residents inBrussels to get the general publics views on this controversial issue. It is really helpfulbecause you can see who is being interviewed and their actual words and attitude.Sometimes when you are just reading an interview, you misunderstand the tone and feelingof the speaker. It is important that I really know regular peoples views on the headscarf ban.Some quotes from the people interviewed:"I feel that people should be able to express their own religious views, but the difficult thingfor me is the veils which is on the head, I think that is ok, but when it comes down to theburqa, that becomes a bit of a problem. Because for me, it is like you are with someoneand you dont know who you are talking to. But as I said, everybody to their own religiousopinions and rights. So Im in the middle (Martin James)""I think both ways. One, the culture is important for these people. Two, they are in anotherculture and they have to integrate. We need to be able to see peoples faces when youhave to identify yourself. So, yes to keep their culture because it is part of their religionand their beliefs, and no because they live here and have to adapt" (Fabiola).This source is very valuable because it gives me an honest perspective from the public inEurope concerning the headscarf ban. I learned what they truly thought from this newsreport and it is not what I expected. There is definitely an indication of controversy ordiffering view on what is being described here as it interviews with random people aroundBrussels. The reporters views on this issue is never revealed, but he is Jewish. That couldmean that he knows what it is like to practice a strict religion that requires a head coveringat times (a kippah, which is a prayer cap, and a tallit, which is a prayer shawl). He mighthave mixed feelings about this, but I might guess that he feels that people should be freeto practice their religion. It is their natural right. Although this document is very useful, itdoes leave out more information about the headscarf banning and should probably haveinterviewed more people to get more opinions and perspectives. Also, Jewish News Oneshould have made sure that everyone that they interviewed had enough knowledge aboutthe headscarf ban so that they had an informed opinion. Bever, Celia. "French Activist Lifts the Veil on the Burqa Ban." The Chicago Maroon.The University of Chicago, 14 May 2014. Web. 15 May 2014. Darmuzey, Frédéric. "Belgium's Muslim Veil Ban: What Europeans Think about theNiqab and Women's Rights." YouTube. Jewish News One, 15 June 2012. Web. 15 May2014. "French Muslim Challenges Veil Law." BBC News. BBC, 27 Nov. 2013. Web. 13May 2014. "Hijab Protest 17 January 2004." Innovative Minds. N.p., 17 Jan. 2004. Web. 14May 2014. Madrid, Fiona Govan in. "Girl, 16, Banned from School for Wearing Hijab in Spain."The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 16 Apr. 2010. Web. 14 May 2014. Morin, Richard, and Juliana M. Horowitz. "Europeans Debate the Scarf and theVeil." Global Attitudes Project. Pew Research Center, 20 Nov. 2006. Web. 15 May 2014. Muir, Hugh. "Livingstone Decries Vilification of Islam." The Guardian. GuardianNews and Media, 20 Nov. 2006. Web. 27 May 2014. Shaw, Adrian. "7/7 Terror Accused Briton Was Arrested While Dressed in a Burka."Mirror News. N.p., 8 Mar. 2012. Web. 14 May 2014. Works Cited: Solution? A solution to this issue would be to compromise. While some people believe that headscarves should not be banned because that would be a violation of Muslim women's rights,others believe that it is a good thing for them to integrate more into European society anda necessary safety pro-cation. Why not then just ban the niqab and burqa in the Europeancountries that want this law. Niqabs and burqas cover the whole body and face, while hijabsand other Muslim headscarves like it just cover the hair. If just full-body and face headscar-ves for women are banned, they can still wear the hijab or even more conservitive scarveslike it. Rather than banning ALL headscarves, the countries who want this law should onlyban the full-body and face coverings instead. Then Muslim women still have the right tofreely practice their religion and wear what they want to as women.
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