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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 When a bill is introduced in the U.S. House ofRepresentatives, a bill clerk assigns it a number thatbegins with H.R. A reading clerk then reads the bill to allthe Representatives Upon passing the vote, the bill is sent by the Clerk to the Senate forthese steps to be repeated Members of the committees,or groups of Representatives who are experts on topics suchas agriculture, education, or international relationsreview, research, and revise the bill before voting on whether or not to send the bill back to the House floor A bill, after committee,is held with 3 main options. It may be passed,killed, or ammended The bill is then voted on by the representatives through an electronic system of 3 buttons, yea, nay, or present (dont want to vote) After the second reading,the bill continues on the floor do be debated byrepresentatives saying why they agree or disagree with it. Only house biils mustpass through a rulescommittee before goingto the floor to limit whatcan be debated about it HOW A BILL BECOMES LAW If the bill passes through standing and rules committees, it is sent to the floor for a second reading Bill then goes to Conference Committeewhere disagreements about the bill are resolved and it is further ammended The bill is finally sent to the President, whocan either pass, veto,or pocket veto the bill,each veto which may be overridden by congress. Hayden Miles
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