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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Happiness By Jane Kenyon Theres just no accounting for happiness,or the way it turns up like a prodigalwho comes back to the dust at your feethaving squandered a fortune far away.And how can you not forgive?You make a feast in honor of whatwas lost, and take from its place the finestgarment, which you saved for an occasionyou could not imagine, and you weep night and dayto know that you were not abandoned,that happiness saved its most extreme formfor you alone.No, happiness is the uncle you neverknew about, who flies a single-engine planeonto the grassy landing strip, hitchhikesinto town, and inquires at every dooruntil he finds you asleep midafternoonas you so often are during the unmercifulhours of your despair.It comes to the monk in his cell.It comes to the woman sweeping the streetwith a birch broom, to the childwhose mother has passed out from drink.It comes to the lover, to the dog chewinga sock, to the pusher, to the basketmaker,and to the clerk stacking cans of carrotsin the night. It even comes to the boulderin the perpetual shade of pine barrens,to rain falling on the open sea,to the wineglass, weary of holding wine. Meaning of the poem Happiness The meaning behind the poem is learning how to appreciate the little things in life. It is an emotion that is hard to notice becausehappiness is too easily judged but Kenyonreassures the reader that it is still there. The Diction/Structure Used in the Poem The poem has a pattern of four,eight, seven, eight and thenback to four. This signifies that these lines are important, especially the first and last four. Most poems have problems within the,and the last stanza is usually the resolution,that is why the last stanza is indented to show the importance of it. Analysis of the Poetic Devices The poem has some poetic devices,and most of them are imagery and personificationFor example, the last stanza gives rain, a boulder, andthe wineglass happiness when they are is a nonliving objects. The imagery is in the third stanza where it speaks of the uncle, "who flies a single-engine plane onto the grassy landing strip,hitchhikes into town..." It gives the reader the image of the uncle flying the plane and landing on the grass, and then continued to hitchhike. Christina Moreta
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