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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 connected to the internet how people Women's Rights Are Human Rights Violence Against Women More than 1 in 3 women have been raped, physically abused or stalked. 97 out 100 rapist have gotten away with it. Only 3 out of 100 have ever spent a day in jail. Living free from violence is a human right, yet millions of women and girls suffer disproportionately from violence both in peace and in war, at the hands of the state, in the home and community. Across the globe, women are beaten, raped, mutilated, and killed with impunity. Rainn- (Rainn) Women's Health One woman dies every 90 seconds in pregnancy or childbirth - more than 350,000 women each year. Equality All women deserve a life with the opportunity to be educated, to work, to be healthy and to participate in all aspects of public life. Yet in every country in the world, women and girls live within the confines of rigid gender norms, which frequently result in disproportionate access to essential services and major violations of their human rights. Discrimination The International Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) enshrines these rights-and recognizes that women and girls often face challenges to realizing their rights specific to their gender. As such, CEDAW urges an equitable approach to human rights, recognizing the range of gender-specific human rights violations, ranging from sex slavery to maternal mortality to property and inheritance rights. Peace Access to affordable and relevant health services and to accurate, comprehensive health information are fundamental human rights. Importantly, women and girls are not only victims of war; they are also powerful peace-builders whose efforts to prevent conflict and secure peace have been critical, yet largely unrecognized, under-resourced, and not integrated into formal peace processes. Despite demonstrated value as peace-builders from Liberia to Northern Ireland, to Uganda and Sudan, women are largely excluded from formal peace processes. Only 1 in 13 participants in peace negotiations since 1992 has been women.
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