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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Working Women CONCERNS MENTAL HEALTH AND CREATED BY STRESSORS Housework is not shared equally between spouses FAMILY/HOME/HEALTH WORK Anderson, J., Baird, P., Davis, R., Ferreri, S., Knudtson, M., Koraym, A., Waters, V, & Williams, C. (2009). Health benefits of dietary fiber. Nutrition Reviews, 67(4): 188-205. Depression affects every 1 in 10 women and men in the United States However, women are 2x more at risk for developing depression than men Depression involves feelings of sadness that are sustained over a long period time WHAT IS DEPRESSION? CONSEQUENCES Postpartum depression Manageable depression is exacerbated: Women are more likelyto experience prejudice from male coworkers Higher workloads are associated with depression Further negative effects on mental health: K. Bowers C. Loar C. Sheehan Dietetic Interns Department of Family and Consumer Sciences Eastern Illinois University REFERENCES The American Psychological Association describesvarious sources of remedial treatment for women that suffer from depression Depression related to menopause Slavin, J. (2008). Position of the american dietetic assocation: health implications of dietary fiber. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 108: 1716-1731. Harvard University Health Services (2004). Fiber content of foods in common portions. Retrieved from There is a high degreeof stress associated with the workplace Balance between childcareand work THERAPIES MEDICINAL NATURAL AntidepressantsHormone
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