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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 M OBILE ULTIPLIERS & 50% Economic premium of mobile owning households over households not owning mobiles in top 10 Indian states 90% 110% URBAN RURAL 68% TOTAL TOTAL 100% 30% URBAN RURAL 30% & HUMAN Higher mobile phone distribution in India shows a direct correlation with the rise of social well-being in the country. According to the Mobile Multiplier study states with higher mobile owning households show significantly higher levels of social well-being based on the Human Development Index (HDI) indices - a composite measure of life expectancy, educational attainment and per capita income. 67% TOTAL 20% RURAL 90% URBAN 63% 30% RURAL 80% URBAN 63% TOTAL TOTAL 58% TOTAL 10% RURAL 80% URBAN 55% 69% TOTAL 80% 120% URBAN RURAL 20% RURAL URBAN 57% TOTAL 110% URBAN 40% RURAL 58% TOTAL 100% URBAN 10% RURAL 59% TOTAL 150% URBAN 30% RURAL Punjab Uttaranchal Haryana Jharkhand Assam Odisha Madhya Pradesh Karnataka Maharashtra Gujarat A study jointly conducted by the OWNERSHIP HOUSEHOLD MOBILE DEVELOPMENT INDEX Mobile Ownership & the HDI indices Human Development Index (HDI) Mobile ownership in Indian households across all 35 states and union territories Source: Estimated from the Unit Records, NSS 66th Round on Consumption Expenditure (2011); Number of observation: 94311 householdsPremium economic prosperity of mobile owning households in India over households not owning mobiles as on 2009-10 Literacy, which is another critical composite of the HDI and an important indicator of societal development in a nation, depicts covariance with mobile ownership. Higher levels of educational attainment are clearly associated with higher levels of household mobile phone ownwership. Household mobile phone ownership Literacy/education level Correlation between household mobile phone ownership and various levels of literacy and education
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