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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How A Bill Becomes A Law By: Alex Sharrai Per.6 3rd Reading Vote on the Bill Sent to the other ChamberRepeats steps 1-7 ConferenceCommittee Sent to the President The bill is read a loud to the legislature All bills that day get put into a hopper to be read laterBills dealing with money are sent to the house 1st Reading Sent to Standing Committee A standing committee is a permanent legislative panel that considers A given bill90% of work done with committee90% of bills die Here Committee Has Four Options with A Bill 1.) Recommend "Do Pass" - Goes to floor2.) Kill it - Bill dies3.)Pigeon Hole- Held in Committee4.)Recommend "Don't pass" - Party Used (Goes to Floor) Rules Committee 2nd Reading The draft of the bill goes back to the floor and is read a second time and a vote of the outlines are taken before being passed to a committee Debate begins with the sponsor first, when speaking you must stand and address the Presiding Officer and be recognizedand give your reason for standingWhilst standing you may Filibusterto prolong the vote on the billWhen done debating over the bill a Cloture is called to bring it to an end. After all Amendingis done after the 3rd reading a 2/3 majority to adopt the bill President has four options1.) Sign bill: Becomes law2.)Veto it: Dies- can be overridden with 2/3 vote3.)Pocket Veto: if holding after 10 days of congress adjourning bill dies. Rules Committee decides which bills are sent to the floor. Another name for the rules Committee is "Traffic Cop" Sent to the other chamber because of checks and balances.Makes sure neither the Senate or the House is more powerful than the other. Usually composed of the most senior members of standing committees, used to resolve disagreements made between House and Senate
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