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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How a Bill Becomes a Law 1st Reading:The Sponsor will introduce the billThe vote in the House is taken to a box known as the HopperSpending money bills originate in the house Sent to Standing Committee:A Standing Committee is a permanent committee that meets regularly90% of work is done here, and 90% of bills die here. Committee has 3 Main Options:Recommend "Do Pass"- Back to FloorKill it- Bill diesPigeonhole- Held in committee 1. 2. 3. Sent to Rules Committee:House only, because senate doesn't have oneCalled "Traffic Cop" because they decide underwhat rule other bills will come to floor 4. 2nd Reading: Fastest StepEntire Chamber discusses this timeMany months after bill is introduced 5. 3rd Reading:Debate begins with sponsorSenate Only: Filibuster is a long debate trying to delay a billFilibuster can only stop with 3/5vote of cloture. 6. Vote on bill: Takes a simple majority vote(50%+1) 7. Bill goes to other chamber:Step 1-7 is repeated thereChecks and Balances: The Houseand Senate check each other's work 8. Conference Committee:A committee made up of both partiesIf the bill was different from each party, they must make an identical bill 9. Sent to President:Sign it- becomes a lawVeto it- Dies- can overthrow with 2/3 votePocket Veto- after 10 days(not sun.) congress adjourns, bill diesHold it- Doesn't sign it within 1-0 days, Bill is a law without signiature 10. By: Dylan Eason
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