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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 73% Step 1 73% 73% 73% 73% 73% How A Bill Becomes Law House of Representatives Senate ~Presented by sponsor~$ bills start in the House~Hopper: a box that holds bills for the House to read Step 1 1st Reading ~Presented by sponsor (an individual Senator) Reading: Parliamentary Procedure is used. The bill is summarized, not read. Sent to Standing Committee Step 2 Step 2 Definition: Permanent committee that meets regularly.Bills will be re-written, analyzed, debated, amended, etc. 90-90 Rule 90% of work on bill is done here! 90% of bills will be killed here! Committee has 3 options with the bill Step 3 Step 3 Pigeonhole-- Held in Committee Kill it --bill dies *Any choice by committee takes 50% +1 vote in order to be used. (Simple Majority) Step 4 Step 4 Sent to Rules Committee (House only) Traffic Cop-- controls what bills are sent to the floor and when, just like a traffic cop Not in the Senate because they have fewerbills to sort through each session Step 5 Step 5 2nd Reading Read again so the members can see where changes have been made. FUN FACT: By this point, a bill could have been in this process for months! Step 6 Step 6 Filibustering: nonstop single-sided debate (SENATE ONLY). Minority party uses this to stall the bill.Cloture: 3/5 vote to stop filibustering Debate on the bill begins. The sponsor opens debate by re-presenting the bill. RULES OF DEBATEHave to stand and be called on to debate. Cannot speak out of turn Step 7 Step 7 3rd Reading Vote on the bill After debate, the head of the floor calls for those who oppose the bill, then for those who vote yes on it. Simple Majority required for the bill to continue Step 8 Step 8 Sent to other Chamber Repeat steps 1-7! Both Chambers vote on the bill to use Checks and Balances Step 9 Conference Committee A few representatives from both Chambers get together and re-write the bill so that it is identical coming from both chambers Step 10 Sent to President The IDENTICAL bills from both chambers are sent to the President of the United States4 Options:1. Sign the Bill-- Bill becomes law2. Veto the Bill-- Bill dies unless Congress overrides this veto with a 2/3 vote3. Pocket Veto-- If after 10 days no action is taken and Congress Adjourns, bill dies4. Hold it-- Doesn't sign it within 10 days, bill becomes law without signature Recommend "Do Pass"-- Goes to Floor VS.
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