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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ConsequencesGasoline has on the Environment and Human Health ConsequencesGasoline has on the Environment and Human Health GreenChemisty GreenChemisty ETHANOL ETHANOL When transporting Ethanol it is not suppose to come in contact with any other type of liquid, even though the chemical itself absorbs water. When it absorbs water it may contaminate the chemical which will result poorly when transporting it through pipelines. The chemicals that gasoline is made out of is super hazardous anddangerous for us humans and the earth. When gasoline is released from cars it releases a dangerous gas. This gas causes air pollution which slowly destroys the home we call earth. It also puts many peoples lives in danger. Air pollution can cause illnesses and sometimes death for some individuals. Ethanol is made out of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, principally made from corn and wheat Ethanol contains less hazardous chemicals, plus it'sa renewable resource. CHALLENAGES "Non-green" chemistry Mya R. the many of types Gasoline consists of benzene, toluene, naphthalene, trimethylbenzene and MTBE GREEN CHEMISTRY: ETHANOL vs GASOLINE dinner GASOLINE double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Non- green chemistry has a very negative affect on the earth. Non-green chemicals involve a lot of hazardous chemicals that are dangerous for the earth. Green chemicals are good for the earthwhile non-green chemicals destroy it. wake up unless one is running low on a certain chemical that is used to create Ethanol, there are hardly any challenages when proguducing it. Other than the fact that sometimes producing it can be a bit pricey. GASOLINE double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Green chemistry, alsoknown as sustainablechemistry is essentiallythe reasoning of chemicalresearch, that encouragesthe design or products andprocesses that will useless hazardous substances NongreenChemistry Non-greenChemistry Challenges Challenges Ethanol is being used today as gas for vehicles. Ethanol doesn't create as much air pollution compared to regular gasoline Pros.and Cons of Ethanol Pros.and Cons of Ethanol
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