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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Great Depression Journey Causes: What lead to the Great Depression Causes, effects, attempted solutions, how we got out of the Great Depression The Baby Boomers 1946 - 1964 While 86% of Boomers have a cell phone, only 35% of Baby Boomersuse Smartphones for texting and other activitiesdaily (Rainie, 2012) Baby boomers are the individuals who"came from a great spike in fertilitythat began in 1946 right after WorldWar II" (PEW, 2010, p. 4) 42% of Baby Boomers use socialnetworking sites (Rainie, 2012). 80-89% of Boomers seek information about health concernsonline, search key phrases, andemail daily (Zickuhr, 2010). Generation X 1965 -1981 Generation X refers to "Xerswho are depicted as savvy, entrepreneurial loners" (PEW, 2010, p. 4) over 85% of Gen Xers use the Internet, popular uses are online banking, shopping, social networking, watching videos, sending emails, checking the news,searching for jobs, searching for travel information and downloading music (Bakalyar, 2013). Blogging among GenXers has increasedfrom 11% in late 2008to 14% in 2010 to 25%in late 2012 (PEW, 2014) Over 75% of Gen Xersown a laptop or desktopand use it on a daily basis (PEW, 2011) Millennials 1982 - 1996 Millennials refers to "the first generation to comeof age in the new millenium" (PEW, 2010, p. 4) Millennials are the "first generation...who regard behaviors liketweeting, texting, along with websites like Facebook, YouTube, Google and Wikipedia... as everyday parts of their social lives"(Keeter & Taylor, 2009)Image (Social Icons, 2012) 90% of Millennials use wireless devices on a daily basis (PEW, 2014). 81% of Millennials areon Facebook, wheregroup's median friendcount is 250 (PEW, 2014)Image:(Facebook, 2014) Generation Z 1997 - Present Generation Z refers to the "generation bornafter the millennials"(PEW, 2010, p. 4). Gen Z sends on average200 texts perday (Lenhart, 2012) 93% of Generation Zreport to viewing oruploading videos toYoutube at least oncea week (PR Newswire, 2013) Generation Z reports "100%are connected to a digitalvenue 1+ hour per day and46% report to being connected10+ hours per day"(PR Newswire, 2013) Where will the next generations take us?
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