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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Arrive at least TEN MINUTES BEFORE your scheduled time ~Make sure hair is clean kept, and pulled away from your face ~Make sure hair is clean kept, and pulled away from your face ~Makeup is a great accent,but try to keep it simple and elegant; natural is key ~It's totally okay to usea bit of makeup to cover up some last minute blemishes ~A nice, clean blouse with an open neck is best to wear underneath the gown ~Try to avoid any large piecesof jewelry ~A dress shirt is best to wearunderneath the gown; if you have a KSS-coloured tie, thatwould be an asset, but somewill be available during shoot ~If you plan to shave, makesure to do so carefully, and don't leave any stubble ~All in all, stick to styles you know look great on you, and don't get too adventurous SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE How to achieve success with your grad photos! How to achieve success with your grad photos! SMILE SMILE SMILE Each photo session will be twelve minutes long, That time is yours, and is directed by what kinds of photos you want. You will get your yearbookgown photo completed, but after that the rest of the photo session is yours. Each photo session will be twelve minutes long, That time is yours, and is directed by what kinds of photos you want. You will get your yearbook/gown photo completed, but after that the rest of the photo session is yours. Do you want a photo with your: dog, football, guitar, painting, field hockey stick, gecko? Bring 'em to your photo session! SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE ***Don't forget to bring any grooming accessories, props, and clothes you may need the day of*** SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE
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