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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How a Bill Becomes a Law committee has 4 options sent to standing committee 2nd reading Goes to other chamber Sent to P.O.T.U.S. 4 Options Sent to rules committee Conference committee Hopper- wooden box that the bill sits in. Located in the House 1.Sign it: Becomes law2.Veto: Dies-can be over ridden witha 2/3 vote in both chambers.3.Pocket veto: If after 10 days (notsun.) congress adjourns; bill dies.4.Hold it: Doesn't sign it w/in 10days (not sun.) bill is law w/outsignature. 90% of work is done here.90% of bills are killed here. 1.Rec. "Do pass": Goes to floor2.Kill it: Bill dies3.Pigeonhole: Held in committee4.Rec. "Do not pass" Rarely used(Goes to floor) 2. 1. 4. 3. 7. 5. 8. 9. 10. Vote on bill Standing committee- A permanent panel. 1st reading Senate: Individual senator Back to the floor-Means entire chamber- shortest step Debate begins with the sponsor Senate only: can filibusterstop with a 3/5 vote of cloture. Takes a simple majority (50%+1) Repeats steps 1-7 Sole purpose to have identical bill Read so all representativescan hear the proposal. "Traffic cop"- They choose ifthe bill should be sent back tothe house floor. House only because the senate doesn't have a time limit resolve disagreements ona particular bill Filibuster- a prolonged speechusually started by a side that does not want the bill to pass. 3rd reading Cloture- ending a debate and taking a vote It takes a couple monthsto get to this step checks and balances 6.
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